Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Developing a good application - part2

Every projet has its analysis phase which is crucial for its success. All the various possiblities has to analysed in this phase. From my experience i have put in few steps for designing a good usable software
1. Find out some real time users:
To kick start the project first find out real time users. They are the guys who is going to experience your product.
2. Figure out all the important activities:
Once you are done with the earlier step, figure out all the activities that needs to be performed in this analysis phase.
3. Figure out user model:
Collect all the services they expect from your product, from the user. An user model can simply be described as "The expectation for the software".
4. Sketch the first draft of the design:
Once you examine the user model, just create a rough draft of your product.
5. Iterate your design:
Do iterations of your design based on the user model. Create a design that would fit the user model.

Once you are done with the above steps you can start your program model i.e the way you program the software.

Test with real time users:
After the application is created, make the real time users test your application. Note the area where the users find it tough to use your system. Users will face a problem when they find program model not equal to user model

Friday, March 23, 2007

Create and load XML in PHP

This is a tutorial for creating a new XML file from PHP and loading the XML file.
This tutorial has two files generatexml.php and loadfeeds.php

1. PHP5
2. Apache
The XML files are generated in PHP with the help of DOM. The following are the PHP codes

Creating an XML :
Create a PHP file with the name generatexml.php and copy and paste the code in it

$dom = new DOMDocument("1.0");

//create the root node of the XML file
$root = $dom->appendChild($dom->createElement("demo"));

// this is used to create the FRONTEND node
$frontend = $root->appendChild($dom->createElement("frontend"));
//chlids of frontend node
//first node
$flash = $frontend->appendChild($dom->createElement("app"));
//second node
$ajax = $frontend->appendChild($dom->createElement("app"));

// this is used to create the SERVERSIDE node
$serverside = $root->appendChild($dom->createElement("serverside"));
//chlids of frontend node
//first node
$php = $serverside->appendChild($dom->createElement("app"));
//second node
$rails = $serverside->appendChild($dom->createElement("app"));
$rails->appendChild($dom->createTextNode("Ruby on Rails"));

// this is used to create the BACKEND node
$backend = $root->appendChild($dom->createElement("backend"));
//chlids of frontend node
//first node
$mysql = $backend->appendChild($dom->createElement("app"));
//second node
$postgres = $backend->appendChild($dom->createElement("app"));

//save the XML file created
$dom->formatOutput = true;
$dom -> save("demo.xml");

Loading an XML :
Create a PHP file with the name loadfeeds.php and copy and paste the code in it

$dom = new DOMDocument("1.0");
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
$dom ->load( 'demo.xml' );
echo $dom ->saveXML();

First execute generatexml.php to create a xml file "demo.xml" in the current directory.
Then execute loadfeeds.php to load the xml file

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Developing a good application - part1

These days we get to see more and more web applications showing its face. Everyone speak about web2.0. Web applications are moving from a traditional page by page navigation to single page.Unlike olden days where the application doesn't care about users,usablity, etc...these days the developers are more concerned about the user satisfaction, user experience...Every developer bound to discuss about the best way to develop an application.
I have just made a small research on this. I put in few details on this

1. For any application, be careful of first time users.
2. Don't make them get stuck while experiencing your application.
3. Make simple interactions.
4. Help them with a step by step information.
5. Use Activity based planning
6. List down all the possible feature list
7. Decide what to be done and what not


This is my first post. This is a place where you will find discussions about all the latest cutting edge technologies. I love to share my knowledge to everyone. I would love to see comments of yours. I welcome all kinds of comments