Monday, April 20, 2009

Flex and Java Developers needed!

My company HeyMath! is looking for experienced Flex and Java Developers. We do not follow a general recruitment process. We run a portal DevHunt! to hunt developers.

The portal has series of puzzles to test the developers skills. The developer has to solve these technical puzzles to get through. For more details register at DevHunt! and have fun.

The Hunted Prey will get the worth of their salt.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Disable AIR auto-update - No way to automate

Recently i got a requirement that when an AIR application is installed and run by the user, AIR should not check for auto-updates. After googling for few hours i found that it is highly impossible to automate this.

Adobe provides a solution to stop AIR engine to check for updates. The application provides the option to disable / enable updates. But this requires a manual effort.

Adobe should have provided the option to enable / disable auto-updates at the application level. Each AIR application should have the option to set auto-update option. If an application has disabled auto-updates, then when the AIR engine loads it should check this option and should not try to update.

If any of you guys have a workaround, i would love to hear it.