Monday, April 20, 2009

Flex and Java Developers needed!

My company HeyMath! is looking for experienced Flex and Java Developers. We do not follow a general recruitment process. We run a portal DevHunt! to hunt developers.

The portal has series of puzzles to test the developers skills. The developer has to solve these technical puzzles to get through. For more details register at DevHunt! and have fun.

The Hunted Prey will get the worth of their salt.


Sharath said...

I need help reagarding 4th puzzle for AS Devloper hunt.I'm getting the following error..

Error: PKCS#5:unpad: Invalid padding value. expected [26], found [31]
at com.hurlant.crypto.symmetric::PKCS5/unpad()...
Index out of bounds.

i dont have any clue why its coming like that even i tried in demosite with different types of encodings still it's same.Any clue regarding this ?

Thank you

thinkpixels said...

Sharath, to get immediate response please mail to

How do you read the encrypted content in the file DevHunt ActionScript Question.dhx? Does your AIR app has the code to read the file programatically?

Sharath said...

k i sent response to the mentioned mail id.

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